It is with immense pride and admiration that I pen down my thoughts about Sonali Adhikari, a distinguished graduate of Ignite Global, an ICF-accredited coaching training provider. As one of her coach educators, I have had the privilege of witnessing her journey firsthand and am truly inspired by her remarkable achievements.

From the outset, Sonali displayed an unwavering commitment to her coaching education. As she delved into the art and science of coaching, her transformation was palpable. She embraced the coaching methodologies with an open heart and an astute mind, swiftly translating theory into impactful practice. Her ability to connect with her clients, understand their unique needs, and guide them toward transformational growth is a testament to her expertise as a professional coach.

Sonali’s coaching style is a reflection of her authentic self; genuine, nurturing, and refreshingly straightforward. Her clients are not just recipients of her guidance, they become beneficiaries of her profound dedication to their success. With her, they find a safe and supportive space for growth, a skilled partner to navigate challenges, and an unwavering belief in their potential.

In the world of professional coaching, Sonali is a shining example of how a commitment to professionalism, dedication to continuous learning, and an unwavering passion can yield transformative results. I wholeheartedly recommend Sonali to anyone seeking a transformational coach who embodies professionalism, expertise, and genuine care on their journey to success.

Lux Hettiyadra, PCC

Director of Child-Adolescent Development, Parenting, and Education Interventions at Ignite Global